Honourable mention for RUCEREUS

EUROPEAN-SEED: Nominations for 20 most innovative plant varieties over 2020:

Honourable mention for RUCEREUS – see page 24

Company: Crop Research Institute, Prague-Ruzyne, Czech Republic

Crop: Foxtail millet; Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.

Variety: RUCEREUS, year of registration 2017

Breeder: Jiří Hermuth; hermuth@nullvurv.cz

Innovative traits: Foxtail millet „RUCEREUS“ is  variety with increasing importace in recent climatic changes. Its fast growing, drought tolerance and nutritional quality are of very interesting values. Rucereus is tolerant to pests and diseases. Seeds are able to develop well even in lack of water in the soil, what is important for their use as summer intercrop in mixtures for „Greening“. Rucereus grain is early to harvest.  Important is its special grain quality (minerals incl. Selenium, vitamins, aminoacid composition, non-gluten- very suitable for celiacs). Rucereus is perfect for grain, hay and silage production.

Seeding rate (kg/ha):

  • for grain: 8–10
  • for hay/silage: 15–20

Plant colour/tillers: green/3

Days to heading (CZ): 65

Days to mature: 106

Final plant hight (m): 1,25

Dry biomass yield (t/ha): 5–13

Grain yield (t/ha): 3–4

Grain color: yellow

TKW: 3,2


Kategorie aktuality EN, média.
Počet zobrazení: 570